Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Business – What are the priceless formulas and ideas of success?

Business is a kind of science, in which buying and selling of an item is done, during which the seller earns something from it. Earns profit by selling at a higher price than purchase and gives employment to its expenses and employees and various people associated with the business.

If efforts are made to inculcate this art since childhood, then a person proves to be a great businessman or businessman.

People who do their own business are happier than those doing a job, it is said that instead of a job, a person doing self-employment, doctor, advocacy, actor, retail, or any other business is happier.

People who do their work get more happiness because they do not have any need to obey anyone’s order, there is never any bondage on them. They have free time, money, energy, a prosperous family, society, and whatever makes them happy.

Running any business is like making a son capable of a daughter. Just like a pregnant mother gives birth to a child after suffering from the pain of the womb, even after that she does not know what her future will be, just like the businessman at the beginning of the business One has to suffer like a pregnant mother. After that, gradually it has to be made suitable and established.

There is no stop anywhere in the journey of any business from floor to floor and from 0 to infinity, it ends where it sits. So it has to be kept running somehow, with responsibility and continuity.

Overall trading is like finding something precious out of the sand.

Why do business?

It is very important to do business to earn more money in life, and business depends on an idea, the more powerful the idea, the more valuable the results come, and people become rich in no time.

Daily new plans, offers, and bang

Business – What are the priceless formulas and ideas of success?

If the business idea and plan are strong, then the money is automatically arranged through one or the other means.

Business runs on need and idea. If we do business with such a thing by which we can fulfill any need of human beings, and we have an idea to fulfill that need, then surely we get successful.

For the success of the business, we should meet those people who have a lot of experience in business and should know their principles. We should meet those people who have got success, and those who have also failed so that we can do business by being careful about that. We can move forward, we don’t have to suffer the same. Decide to do business only with that which you have full knowledge about.

Which business to do?

Business – What are the priceless formulas and ideas of success?

Work on the same thing, which you like a lot, in which you want to spend time. Move forward in business by planning. Follow all the disciplines of business. In the event of ups and downs in business, stand firm and move forward keeping your feet on the situation.

Do business with rules

For the success of the business, if we do transactions only in cash, then we can get very good benefits ourselves. Additional capital is not required frequently in business.

Do business only in sure.

For the success of the business, pay attention to both quality and timely delivery. Traders do not like late delivery.

Remember every trader always wants cheap and good goods.

Invest one-twentieth of your earnings. Sell on credit to a new customer or buy a new item and stock it, whose price is going to increase.

Must meet or talk to 2 to 4 customers daily. With this, the customer remembers us when he needs the goods.

Focus on what small improvements you can make every day.

Try to add new technology, and new customers every day inside the business, this keeps the business running at its own pace. If we do not make small improvements in our business according to the time, then it automatically starts falling behind.

For example, Hindustan Motor’s Ambassador car and HMT watches, which used to be very famous once upon a time, are out of the market today, because they did not improve or change anything.

Consult staff

Also, take advice from the employees on what can be improved. If your team is extraordinary then it will make your ordinary idea extraordinary and if your team is ordinary then even your greatest idea will be shelved. Keep good and capable people. Have staff that can read your eye signals to convey what you are saying.

Sit and discuss with the staff for a while every day. This increases the morale of the employees, increases their self-confidence, and them are able to solve and discuss their problems by placing them in front of you. Are able to take new decisions independently and take the business to a new level. Listen to their complaints, listen to their words, explain their mistakes, discuss, and avoid debate.

Invest your own money

Take the money of a friend, or relative, to increase the business, make them a partner in your business or give some share, this will increase your business and their money will also be used.

If the business is growing with success, then take money from others.

इसे भी पढ़े:-

Open an account in a private bank or international bank only

Nowadays money is easily available from any bank or financial institution, so invest new money if needed. For this, if you open an account in a private bank like HDFC Axis Bank, ICICI Bank or Globally International Bank, Citibank, Standard Chartered, or HSBC, Bank. These banks fully cooperate and meet the financial challenges of the business.

Buy goods in business at the lowest rate, and sell at the highest rate.

You should be visible and heard in business, people should not forget you

What is seen, is sold, so spread your propaganda. Continue to advertise your product or service, because what is seen, is sold, and gradually your sale will start improving.

Never tell anyone what you earn. Keep your business secrets a secret, don’t share them with anyone.

Along with earning, take care of your children as well.

How to behave with the customer.

The main and most important of the business is the customer. Everything is from the customer. Smile at your customer.

Try to satisfy the customer at all costs. Try to solve his problem.

Remember the customer’s name, address them by their name only.

Come, address them by saying, ask them to sit, ask them for water. If you go to their house, then take something or the other. Respect his family too.

Remember happy customers bring more customers and new customers. Remember the birthday of the customer, and send him birthday wishes.

The customer is always right

Your customer is right all the time, you can argue with the customer, you can win but you can lose that customer. So always avoid debate and try to do new business with the same customer. Always keep in mind that the customer is always right.

The customer doesn't like it at all

The customer does not like late delivery. Always deliver on time for business success.

The customer always wants the cheapest. The customer always wants cheap goods and good quality goods.

Customers who are not paying us

Compliment them, tell them you were a great customer of mine.

Always give respect to his family.

Tell them repeatedly that interest is being charged. If possible get the agreement signed, then only do business.

He kept on talking again and again about his money. Even the mother does not give milk without asking.

Always answer after listening to the merchant completely.

If you cannot do any work, then make a habit of saying no to it clearly.

If the customer asked the price of the goods, it means that he has made a plan in his mind to buy.

Learn to read your customer’s mind, and talk to him according to what he needs.

Make eye contact with the merchant and talk.

Do the hardest part of the business first. Always remember only 80% of positive result gives us 20% of the customer, focus more on that 20% only.

No Risk No Gain, the bigger the risk we take, the bigger the profit we get in our business. Take small risks.

The more the sales team increases, the more the income will increase

If you want to increase sales, increase the man on sales. The more people increase, the more sales will increase.

Sales matter first for the success of the business, to increase it, keep more and more salesmen employees if an employee in the business will bring in 1% profit, keep as many employees as you want to win the percentage profit.

For business success, sit with people who have achieved success in business. If you want to become a successful businessman, go to that park or go to that restaurant, go to dinner with people who have achieved success in business.

Keep this in mind to become successful, you sell yourself. That’s why always keep doing small updates in yourself.

Successful businessmen are always focused on solutions and find out new ways by asking, problems become small in front of them and one day they emerge as big.

In business, sometimes some people trust each other and transact goods with the facility of some time or even on credit, keeping this transaction neat and clean.

Remember, you have the right over the profits. Take advantage of your profit only, not of anyone’s trust, that person’s business, home, and his life runs with that money only. The house of hundreds, thousands, and lakhs of laborers associated with the business that the person is associated with runs. Every happiness of his life is related to that business only.

Never try to postpone all business tasks or to date tasks, and never think that you will not do it or I am not in the mood, overall priority given to work will give you positive results one day.

Business a war

Business – What are the priceless formulas and ideas of success?

You have got only eight hours for business, spend your time in a planned manner. Give your employees the ability to make decisions. Spend your time on social media only to learn something for business. It should not be that social media is ruining you by using you.

Cash of trade is a Ridhi, for its speed use it at the right place.

The whole game of business runs on payment only. Try to take and give the payment at the right time. The speed, progress, and growth of the business depend on the payment only. Don’t be shy or hesitate to ask for payment. The whole game of business runs on payment only. Try to take and give the payment at the right time. The speed, progress, and growth of the business depend on payment only. Don’t be shy or hesitant to ask for payment.


Nowadays, our society is encouraging people to do jobs day by day. Our society should remember this, no one has ever become rich by doing a job. We all had come to the city from our village to do business at one time or other, and forgetting this ideology, we started walking in the direction of getting a job by studying, which is wrong, a businessman creates at least 10 jobs and 100 It gives birth to new types of businesses, the country’s progress, it’s own progress. Where there is more business in society and the world, people are seen to be prosperous, successful, and happy there.


Always ready to adopt any modern technology in business.

Any phone related to business, should be picked up by 4_5 rings. We sometimes delay in picking up the phone.

Donate 10th of the earning to violence charity

Spend one-tenth of your annual earnings on charity or good deeds, this is the right of the universe. For business success, it is very important. Ratan Tata, Mukesh Ambani, and such people will definitely be seen around you, take inspiration from them.

Two hands with this present challenge

To keep your business alive, do whatever is possible, whatever is necessary, keeping in mind the interest of your business first, and take any decision.

Profit and loss are the two wheels of business. Tolerating this, saving the businessman by any means and taking a decision, will also maintain the speed of business, and this time will pass and good days will come.

Only happiness will come again.

thank you

Make life full of happiness.


My name is Dinesh Kushwaha, I am a digital marketer, I always wanted to do business, new business ideas keep coming in my mind, so I thought of sharing my business idea with everyone through website blogging. So that everyone can earn money from business.

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