Effect of sweet voice on life

Effect of Sweet Voice on Life

Everyone likes our sweet voice, and every person wants to listen to our sweet voice only. All our works are done by speech only. Speech is at our core for success as well. The meaning of speaking sweet speech is not to say yes to false yes, but to speak sweet and sweet words, to speak the truth, to say beneficial things, and to do such things, which will give pleasure to both the speaker and the hearer. On the strength of this sweet voice of mine, we make even strangers our own.

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We speak only what we think

At the time of birth, we cannot speak and whatever may be our entry at that time, when we leave the world, our exit should be splendid. For this, our speech should be like the fragrance of incense sticks, which should go straight into the hearts of others.

Someone has said that the words that came out of the tongue and the arrows that came out of the bow never return, so we should speak sweetly and be polite so that our happiness remains.

Let us choose our words carefully while speaking. Everything can be thought of but it is not necessary to be spoken, that’s why wise people speak after thinking, but fools repent after speaking.

In Earning Money

Effect of sweet voice on life

For those who speak sweetly, chilies are also sold, and soil is also sold, but for those who speak bitterly, even sugar candy is not sold, and gold and palaces are also not sold.

Speaking sweet words is the ornament of our body, by which we are respected, and we get prestige in society. It should be spoken through beautiful words after thinking very sensibly.

A person who speaks sweetly and truthfully is always respected. His quality, his personality, is displayed by his speech, and, because of this the person in front also talks to him in measured words, giving a lot of respect. A person who speaks sweetly always thinks only positive thoughts in his mind because only a person who thinks positively can speak positively and can always maintain his happiness.

Our thoughts are the food of speech

Effect of sweet voice on life

We should always think wisely and for this, we should always think positively because we speak as we think. Our thoughts become our words.

That’s why it is said that we should think at least and if we think then think positively. Words are created by our thoughts. If we speak less, then there is the communication of power and energy in us, we also get a chance to choose the right words, and we feel happy.We make ourselves strong.

The word has been called the form of Brahma in our scriptures, so we should definitely speak the words selected like pearls, because a person forgets the face as well, does not forget the said things, heard things. Which becomes the reason for his happiness and sorrow.

Sweet Voice

It is also necessary to speak sweetly because then we get time to fix our bad mood, but we do not get a chance to handle the spoken bitter words again and we lose our happiness. Wounds spoken by speech also do not heal for life.

Sweetness in relationships

Relationships are filled with sweetness in homes that speak sweet words. Prosperity comes in the family, every member of the family respects each other, and their relationships also become strong. Factory of money, rain of money also with sweet words

If we all open the factory of love in the heart, the factory of ice in the brain, the factory of sugar on the tongue, then just like when it rains, water starts coming from all the drains here and there, in the same way, by opening all the three factories, there will be no change in our life. Don’t know from where happiness, prosperity, wealth, wealth, Lakshmi, success, and friends and relatives and happiness come automatically, and the most amazing thing is that it doesn’t take even 1 rupee to set up these factories.

Speech is a scripture

God has given man an infallible weapon in the form of speech power, which we can call speech. We should make use of this by speaking nectar solution, sweet words in our speech. Our sweet words should be to bring relief to others. Many times our bitter words can turn water in a moment on the relationships built by hard work and effort throughout life. A stranger is also our own with sweet words.

On the other hand, by the use of sweet speech, even strangers become our own without any effort. The magnet of sweet speech and soft behavior attracts even iron towards itself. With the influence of sweet words, money and friends go on being made in life, and joy and happiness also keep on increasing in life.

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Using sweet words is a style and art

Speaking truth and loving speech, using sweet words, speaking religious things, using things that give happiness, is an art and science in life, and we should learn it.

Yoga and exercise of sweet speech

Our worthy speech is the foundation stone of our mind, brain, and health, we can also call it the yoga of speech. Our life is made through yoga. Our health is made, and new opportunities come in life.

We should speak according to the situation and need. We also need to avoid speaking unnecessarily, because of this we get trapped many times. While speaking, we should keep ourselves calm and speak with patience. In this way, we can work on our own happiness by speaking sweet words with discretion and faith.


By using sweet words, a place can be found in the heart of a creature for years, just as honey can be used for thousands of years.

We all human beings want respect in our lifetime. It can be achieved only through the use of sweet words. Our use of sweet words only enables us to achieve success, prosperity or something big in life.

In the use of words, we have the habit of addressing you and we and the person likes to hear his name very much, the habit of calling him by name should be made.

We all are unable to leave our impact on others even after using sweet words because we selfishly think more and more about ourselves, talk only about ourselves. While we should take care of this as a successful person, what the person in front wants to hear. What kind of things will make him happy and this is the science of our decision making which makes us popular, the moonlight of happiness in our life. scatters.

Long live Shri Krishna

thank you

Dinesh Kumar