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Happy Words

Happy words

There is no other word that is spoken and heard as much as the word happy is prevalent all over the world. Whether children, youth, elders, men, or women, all are seen speaking and listening to this word indiscriminately. Since the introduction of smart mobile phones, the popularity of the word Happy has increased manifold. Is.

The exchange of Happy words increases more on each happy occasion, Teej festival, and special occasion. For example Happy Birthday, Happy Diwali, Happy Holi, Happy Eid, Happy Christmas, Happy New Year, etc.

Hardly any occasion is missed that this word is not used on some happy occasion.

Now one gets to read these words every day on What Sapp on Happy Monday, Happy Sunday, Happy Diwali, or on every happy occasion.

In this way, the word Happy is resonating everywhere at every moment. It simply means that everyone wants to be happy, is searching for happiness, and is running to get happiness.

Table of Contents

Are people really happy?

The question is, are people really becoming happy, or are they engrossed in self-satisfaction only by showing off or pretending? Wandering here and there, and getting restless. We are not able to understand what to do so that happiness can be our guide.

The perfect place of happiness

The perfect place of happiness

There is no need to wander anymore to find happiness because you have the blog Khushiyaan Hi Khushiyaan website right in your hand through your mobile. It will tell you what true happiness is. What would be the different means of attaining this happiness?

To reach this destination, how can one reach that place of happiness by removing the obstacles coming the way?

Happiness Definition

Happy words

Since ancient times, people have also tried to define happiness and happiness. According to the Oxford dictionary, it is written for happiness and joy a feeling or display of happiness, peace, and satisfaction.

The meaning of happiness is so simple but we have made it very complicated and difficult.

Wandering in the pursuit of happiness

Some people are trying to find this happiness in happiness, wealth, and things of the world, some people seek it by getting fame and prosperity, some people seek it in worldly relationships, some people seek it through cultural activities, enjoyment of the body and Find it in the entertainment of the world. Some people also seem to try to find it in sports or other activities.

Overall, most of the people of the world do not search this happiness at its right place. According to them, happiness is in the use of comforts, while the truth is that happiness is in giving and doing favor and kindness to others. By learning the knowledge of this happiness, understanding it, and being happy, because only when we know someone, we can experience him.

The purpose of happiness

The aim of every human being is happiness and peace and the synonym of happiness and peace is happiness.

Words that start tickling the mind

Happy words

Apart from happiness Simplicity Spontaneous Beautiful Hilarious Cheerful Satisfied Bliss Euphoria Fun Humility Humility Laughter Joke Joyful Optimistic Perky Positivity Thrilled Fragrance Cool Soft Scented Air Nature Food Laughter Dancing Frolic Child Playing Walking Entertainment Chirping Contentment Festival Celebration Confidence Books Gift Hugging Wedding Love Help Friend Occasion Wow, festival, and laughter and happiness are such words that just by listening to them, one starts feeling happy, tickles inside.

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We are close to happiness

Happiness is like a shadow of a human being, the more we run after it, the more it is getting away from us and where we are standing, when we stand and look around, we see it standing near us.


My name is Dinesh Kushwaha, I am a digital marketer, I always wanted to do business, new business ideas keep coming in my mind, so I thought of sharing my business idea with everyone through website blogging. So that everyone can earn money from business.